Digital Media Faculty

Our students are trained well with a team of dedicated and professionally qualified teachers from the visual media, who have years of experience in their respective fields as permanent faculty. Apart from this DiMS will have a pool of Technical experts, Media Critics, Producers, Script Writers, Directors and Actors as Visiting Faculty. The media faculty will also include artists from the visual media; Sound recording, Video Editing and so on. Thus the DiMS team will comprise of professionals capable of sharing the very latest trends and technical expertise from the ever changing world of Visual Media.

Our Faculties

Name Department Designation
Mr. Jiji C Baby Multimedia Vice Principal & Asst.Professor
Mr. Sinioj Antony English Asst.Professor & University Nodal Officer
Mr. Linson M James Journalism Asst.Professor
Ms.Sagi Paul Multimedia Asst.Professor
Mrs. Jibina George Journalism Asst.Professor
Ms. Simi S Journalism Asst.Professor
Mr. Favour Francis Journalism & Visual Arts Dean & Professor
Ms.Surya M Multimedia Asst.Professor
Mr. Jijo joseph Multimedia & Audiography Asst.Professor
Mr.Nevin Sam Film & Television Asst.Professor
Sr. Navyarose Journalism Asst.Professor
Ms. Baby Vincent Malayalam Asst.Professor
Mrs. Rani Mathew Hindi Asst.Professor